A Last One To End The Year!
Hey there!
I know, I know. It’s been a while.
This is a short one. I have a few updates I would love to share with you regarding the interviews and what you can expect for 2024 from my side.
I’ve introduced to my Twitter (X) amigos For Friends, my first ever project on the blockchain. In case you haven’t heard, For Friends will be a collection of 360 portraits that will combine generative systems of photography, coding, and AI. It’ll take me more than 13 years to complete, and I’m extremely excited to dive into this new phase of my life where I direct my efforts towards my own creations. That brings me to the second point…
Even if I started as a generative art content creator, my main goal has always been to become an artist. I’ve enjoyed massively sharing and curating art from the best digital generative artists of the space, but I feel it’s time to focus on my own. That doesn’t mean I will stop creating content, it just means creating content won’t necessarily be what’s on top of my mind from now on.
I have a new website! It’s the new place where I will be posting about my work and the interviews I make with fellow artists. Would love if you check it out, and I’d love to hear if you have any type of feedback about it.
Now, considering all of the above, I’ll be changing the focus of this newsletter. From today on, I will not only be sharing new interviews, but also any relevant information regarding my artistic journey. Expect an email once every month. I’ll probably change the name too, I don’t know. I’ll let you know!
Speaking of interviews. The goal now is to publish one interview each month. I love to learn from different types of artists, so expect interviews that go beyond generative art. Having said that, I have already published December’s interview in my website, and it’s from one of the best generative artists right now. If I was you, I’d definitely check it out 😉
I think that’s it. Thank you for reading, and hopefully you are ready to spend some quality time with your family during the holidays. I know I am!